Qigong (pronounced chee gong) is an ancient Chinese discipline of moving and balancing energy within the body and mind. There are many different forms of qigong. Guigen, which means return to source or root, is a medical form of qigong based on Traditional Chinese Medicine developed by Dr. Hongtao Xu to treat and prevent chronic health conditions. As both a western and eastern trained doctor, his experience is that "the best hospital is in each person."
Dr. Hongtao Xu graduated from western medical school with honors from Wuhan Medical College at Tongji University (now, Tongji Medical College at Huazhong University of Science and Technology). Instead of proceeding to a residency or specialty, he chose to pursue studies in Traditional Chinese Medicine. Since the mid-1980’s, Dr. Xu has taught qigong to his patients at Beijing's Xiyuan Hospital and this was extended to international students in the 1990’s. He has taught international government officials, medical professionals, and students interested in health from at least 65 countries across six continents. Dr. Xu's website is Guigen Home and to view international classes practicing the six movements go to Dynamic Movements
There are three parts to learning this form: (1) discussion to understand concepts, (2) the dynamic part of the six movements and (3) the static portion of meditation. The six movements follow the Chinese organ energy channels used in acupuncture. The slow and gentle movements release stagnant qi and restore flow, ease and balance. The aim of the meditation is to go beyond bodily sensations and thoughts to reclaim peace and clarity. This is a powerful healing method that you can learn to do yourself!
As with any new exercise program, you may wish to check with your doctor to see if this is appropriate for you. You should not do this form of qigong if you are pregnant, but wait until after the birth of your child.
The videos* shown below are for my students who have or are currently learning the Guigen movements and meditation. As a practical matter, not all of the information or instruction can be captured in these short videos. I mirror the movements in the videos so that students can just follow the moves without thinking right or left. For those auditory learners, I give an abbreviated narration throughout the movements.
Opening Stance: Basic Stance and Opening/Closing Movement
Basic Stance, Opening/Closing Movement
First Movement: Between Heaven and Earth (Global Regulation and Opening the Channels)
Second Movement: Spleen/Stomach Channels
Third Movement: Lung/Large Intestine Channels
Fourth Movement: Kidney/Bladder Channels
Fifth Movement: Liver/Gallbladder Channels
Sixth Movement: Heart/Small Intestine Channels
Full Form, Self Massage
Classes - Fall Beginning Class
A 9-week beginning Qigong class, limited to 10 people with cost of $85:
Mondays 2:00 - 3:15 pm August 19 - October 21 (No class on Labor Day)
Unity of Madison, 601 Tompkins Drive, Madison, WI 53716
Register for class by emailing Kate at coloredlightworks@gmail.com Payment can be made at the first class.
*I am deeply grateful to Unity Church of Madison for renting me space to teach four qigong classes pre-pandemic and allowing the filming of these videos in that beautiful space by friend and student Dennis C and all of the charter class.